NLG Condemns Violent Police Response to Black Lives Matter Protests Nationwide
June 1, 2020
Contact: communications@nlg.org
NOTE: As this press release was being published, we learned about
James Scurlock, a 22-year-old Black man, shot and killed during a
protest last night in Omaha, NE by an alleged white supremacist yelling
racial slurs. Support the Scurlock family at this GoFundMe here.
Spurred by the
uprising in Minneapolis
last week in response to the police killing of George Floyd,
demonstrations took place in more than 75 cities over the weekend of May
29-31 as thousands of people protested to demand an end to racialized
police violence and justice for Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and
so many others.
National Lawyers Guild (NLG) Chapters
across the country have mobilized to provide legal support to these
people’s movements and will continue to do so for as long
as necessary. As a grassroots organization led by volunteer members who
take direction from movements on the ground, we remain committed to the
struggle for Black lives and an end to white supremacy.
“Racialized, violent policing of Black, Brown, and Indigenous bodies
has always existed in this country. Now is the time for accountability.
Property can always be replaced. Black lives can not,” stated NLG
Executive Director Pooja Gehi.
The unwarranted and excessively violent police reaction to
demonstrators was strikingly similar across protests: NLG attorneys and
Legal Observers consistently report accounts of police attacking people
with batons and bicycles, running protesters down with horses and police
vehicles, and freely deploying tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets,
and flash-bang grenades. In addition to both mass and targeted arrests
of protesters, police also arrested journalists, legal observers,
medics, and bystanders. Multiple NLG Legal Observers, clearly visible in
bright green caps, were injured by police as they monitored the
By late Saturday, mayors and governors began calling in the military
and National Guard, and imposing curfews in an attempt to shut down
protests. Currently, more than 40 cities are under curfew and the
National Guard has been activated in 15 states and Washington, D.C. In
Minneapolis, video footage of National Guard and state troopers shutting
down streets and attacking people on their porches went viral. In
Chicago, police violently surrounded and mass arrested demonstrators.
“The Chicago Police rioted. Police violently attacked hundreds if not
thousands of people demanding an end to police violence. This response
was unacceptable and unnecessary,” the NLG Chicago Chapter and Chicago
Community Bond Fund
said in a joint statement yesterday.
Video and witness accounts indicate that far right nationalists and
white supremacists were in attendance at many of the demonstrations,
further stoking conflict by brandishing guns and arrows. Rather than
condemning these actions, Trump has instead attacked left-wing activists
and declared he will designate antifa a terrorist organization.
The number of arrests continues to grow. While many have been
detained, not all have been charged and processed, making it difficult
to give exact arrest numbers. However, NLG chapters report arrests in
almost all cities, ranging from a few dozen to nearly 1,000 depending on
location. As of now, protesters are being charged with disorderly
conduct, resisting arrest, and failure to disperse. NLG Chapters have
been continuously providing Legal Observers, running legal support
hotlines, tracking arrests, and coordinating representation for those
The NLG denounces the violent and in many cases openly racist attacks
of the police. In solidarity with movements for Black lives, the family
of George Floyd, and all victims of racialized police violence, we are
demanding a full, transparent, and independent investigation into his
murder and the Minneapolis Police Department. We also call for
investigations into the many law enforcement officers who have been
documented brutalizing protesters this weekend, as well as all police
officers who have records of complaints for violence. Finally, we call
for the defunding and demilitarizing of the police, an investment in
community resources including housing, healthcare and income and
reparations for the families of those murdered. Please
read, sign and share this
petition from Black Lives Matter to #DefundThePolice.
Donations to the NLG Mass Defense Program can be made at nlg.org/donate/massdefense.
Statements by Local NLG Chapters and How to Help:
The National Lawyers Guild, whose membership includes lawyers,
legal workers, jailhouse lawyers, and law students, was formed in 1937
as the United States’ first racially-integrated bar association to
advocate for the protection of constitutional, human and civil rights.
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